
Moussaoui Wins Another Round

Accused terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui won another round in court in his battle for witness access.

Friday, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema in Alexandria, Virginia, granted Moussaoui's request for testimony from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the reputed architect of the hijacking attacks on New York and Washington, according to sources familiar with the ruling.

A joint team of Pakistani and FBI agents caught Mohammed and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, one of the hijackers' alleged moneymen, March 1 at an al Qaeda safe house in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, a few miles from the capital, Islamabad.....Mohammed and al-Hawsawi are both being held at undisclosed military locations.

Previously, the Judge ruled Moussaoui must be allowed to interview Ramzi Binalshibh. He has also asked to interview al-Hawsawi.

The Government is expected to appeal this latest ruling which remains under seal.

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