
Federal Appeals Court: New York Jails Serving Vermin in Food

While we are still in New York City, we thought we'd pass along this article we saw in the New York Post: The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that three New York jails have been serving vermin along with food to its 6,000 prisoners:

Three of the biggest jails on Rikers Island served up vermin-contaminated food to inmates, the New York federal appeals court ruled yesterday.
The three-judge panel found food sanitation to be "constitutionally inadequate" at the Anna M. Kross Center, the George Motchan Detention Center and the Adolescent Reception and Detention Center.

The record is replete with evidence of high levels of vermin activity in the food-storage and service areas," the judges said. Nearly 6,000 prisoners are housed at the three pretrial facilities.

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