
Is a Dean-Clark Ticket a Pipe-Dream?

MB Williams of Wampum thinks so:

As far as a Clark-Dean or Dean-Clark ticket, I think it's a pipe-dream. Clark as a VP would only highlight Dean's thin resume on defense matters. Voters expect the Commander-in-Chief to have his hand on the Red Phone, not the VP. Dean offers little other than Dean's grassroots supporters, and frankly, as we minorities have often been apprised, where you gonna go? If the race looks tight, Clark as nominee picks someone like himself, but with more inside the Beltway experience, such as Edwards, who can possibly carry an otherwise Red state. If the Administration goes into complete meltdown, Clark breaks the glass ceiling and chooses a Southern woman or minority politico. Maybe Dean gets a Secretary appointment (HHS?) in a Clark Administration. But I strongly suspect that if he leaves Boston without the nomination, he heads back to Vermont otherwise empty handed.

Lisa English of Ruminate This, is back from an on-again, off-again hiatus, with multiple great posts today, including this one agreeing with Wampum on Clark-Dean.

We've been invited to a small gathering next Sunday (9/29) where Sen. John Edwards will meet and greet all present and answer questions. No donation required. It will be a small group, it's at a private home. We'd love to go, but it's in Miami. Really too bad, because we like Edwards a lot and would appreciate the opportunity to listen to him and ask questions in such a setting--no cameras, no press.

We'd also love to attend the opening of the new Manhattan club Avalon this Saturday night. Howard Dean will be there to address the crowd, along with Al Franken, Whoopi Goldberg and Gloria Gaynor ("I will Survive.) It's cheap--35 bucks. If you are closer to NY than we are, and would like to go, here are the details. Who knows, maybe there will be an e-fare sale to NY this weekend and we can drag our law student offspring away from the books for a few hours to go with us.

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