
Federal Memo re: New 'Watch List'

Here it is all 8 pages of it today's memo of understanding from Attorney General John Ashcroft, the Director of the CIA, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security regarding the implementation of the new terror watch list. We can't wait for the ACLU's analysis. We'll post it here when it's out.

Meanwhile, the New York Times reports:

The Bush administration announced the creation of a new counterterrorism center today intended to develop a master "watch list" of more than 100,000 terrorism suspects and avoid the communication breakdowns that plagued the federal government before the Sept. 11 attacks.

....The plan announced today would create a new screening center, to be led by the F.B.I. in conjunction with the C.I.A., the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department. Officials said they expected the center to be operating by December. It will track, they said, not only suspected foreign terrorists but also Americans tied to domestic events like violence at abortion clinics.

Civil rights advocates said they worried that the new process would give the government greater power to track and compile information on Americans and others who may have no clear links to terrorism. Law enforcement officials pledged to respect privacy and civil rights while improving national security.

Where have we heard that before?

Update: This Bush supporter has bailed over homeland security. (link via Instapundit)

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