
Electronic Voting Machine Issues

We received this email a little while ago, and think the writer makes a good point:

Dear TalkLeft:

I would like to encourage TalkLeft to give accelerated coverage to the possibility of election fraud and vote manipulation through touch screen voting machines and also internet voting, including military internet voting. Far too few people know about this potentially massive problem and I think it is a very good idea for all of us who are concerned about this issue to bring it into wide public view before the primaries begin.

Here's where you can get the info:

David Neiwert at Orcinus

Bev Harris at Black Box Voting (Diebold shut the site down but their activism page is up with lots of info.)

Kos at Daily Kos.

Jeanne D'Arc at Body and Soul.

Salon: An Open Invitation to Election Fraud


Law Prof Rick Haasen's Election Law

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