
News Descriptions of Plame and Wilson

Notice how Reuters begins its afternoon's article describing the White House request of its employees to provide information on the Wilson-Plame matter:

The White House said on Wednesday that anyone with information about a leak that blew the cover of a CIA officer, whose husband is an Iraq war critic, should report it to the Justice Department for criminal investigation.

Plame is named as an officer, not an undercover operative.

Joseph Wilson is described solely as an "Iraq war critic," rather than as former ambassador or by other titled position he held.

We don't know if this is Reuters' doing or if Reuters just passed along the language the White House provided to it. We suspect it's White House language because three paragraphs down, Reuters gets it right:

The Justice Department is investigating whether someone at the White House or CIA disclosed the identity of Valerie Plame, a CIA operative whose husband, a former U.S. diplomat in Iraq, Joseph Wilson, challenged President Bush's claims about Iraq's weapons threat. Revealing classified information is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

The problem is, many people will just read the first paragraph and move on. The first paragraph of this article is misleading at best. Maybe we're being too picky as we've been writing a brief and playing with words all day, but it just strikes us as poor and biased reporting.

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