
Bush Drug Czar Wants to Give Urine Tests to School Kids

John Walters, Bush's Drug Czar, is seeking to give random urine tests to schoolkids.

President Bush's drug czar told New England governors Wednesday that drug testing in schools would be an effective way to combat a growing problem of drug use among young people, but area school officials caution there are problems with it

Thankfully, school officials are expressing reluctance:

I don't believe it's reasonable to randomly test kids," said Wesley Knapp, superintendent of the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union.There would have to be some basis for suspecting a student of using drugs before taking further steps, he said. In that case, some action may be justified, he said. "It's an infringement of freedom, and kids have the same constitutional rights as adults," he said.

....Charles Scranton, the headmaster of Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester, said he was completely and totally against across-the-board drug testing. "For those who have put themselves in that position it's one thing," he said. "It could erode a positive culture and climate at a school."

[link via Hit and Run]

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