
Illinois High Court Blasts Prosecutors

The Illiniois Supreme Court reversed two murder convictions today, excoriating prosecutors for misconduct it says happens way too often:

In a sharp rebuke of prosecutorial misconduct, the Illinois Supreme Court on Friday ordered new trials for two men convicted in the 1995 slaying of a Chicago police officer. The high court threatened to overturn more cases to stem what it called the "alarming frequency" of misconduct by Illinois prosecutors.

"We mean it as no hollow warning when we say that prosecutors risk reversal of otherwise proper convictions when they engage in conduct of this kind," Justice Philip Rarick wrote in the court's opinion.

....Rarick wrote that prosecutorial misconduct cannot be allowed to continue unchecked because it threatens "the trustworthiness and reputation of the judicial process, and this court will take corrective action to preserve the integrity of the process."

There was no dissenting opinion.

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