
Scaling Back the Patriot Act

Attorney General John Ashcroft is coming under increasing fire as critics and those in Congress move forward with legislative proposals to scale back the Patriot Act.

A bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation last week that would gut major provisions of the Patriot Act, including the "sneak and peek" provision, which allows federal investigators to delay notifying terrorism suspects about search warrants. The House effectively voted to do the same thing to the provision, in an amendment attached to an appropriations bill in July.

Critics applauded the attempts at scaling back the Patriot Act, saying that Ashcroft has used the act to push a conservative agenda, politicize his office and curtail civil liberties. As they see it, Ashcroft is the very embodiment of the Patriot Act.

That's our view too. We recommend the whole article, particularly these comments by Sen. Richard Durbin:

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) said he was compelled to co-sponsor legislation with Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) to repeal parts of the Patriot Act in part because he has been dissatisfied with the way the attorney general has responded to inquiries about how the act has been used.

"It's a rare day on Capitol Hill when John Ashcroft returns to the Senate and really accounts for himself," said Durbin. "Our government can't survive if the executive branch can't be held accountable," Durbin said. "It tells a lot when you have senators from the left and right coming together to say this law is too expansive. Part of the reason we feel that way is Ashcroft's Department of Justice isn't coming clean with us on how they are using the law."

For more on the Durbin-Craig bill, go here.

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