
On Assignment

Yesterday we traveled to West Palm Beach. From Denver, that's an all day trip. Today we start our assignment--at 6am with a jog on the beach followed by our first meeting at 8am. We'll check back in this afternoon.

Our newsfeed (on the left) won't be updated until Sunday or Monday. We recommend you visit Hamster, Cursor, Buzzflash , How Appealing and Common Dreams for news and views of interest.

On a related note: This is our first trip with our new laptop generously and anonymously purchased from our Amazon wishlist last month. It's awesome--just what we wanted--and so much faster and better than our old one which was on its last leg. In case our benefactor is reading TalkLeft today, we just wanted to express our thanks again.

< ABA Launches Drive to Reform Death Penalty Representation | ACLU to Join Fight in Terry Schiavo Case >
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