
Weekend Reading

What's good to read today? Atrios on identity politics.

Jeanne D'Arc of Body and Soul on Walmart's agenda.

Patrick Nielsen Hayden of Electrolite on the recent Hosting Matters DOS attacks and cyberterrorism--not.

Oliver Willis has picked himself a bride.

Hesiod at Counterspin tells us what we need to know about Republicans and the gay marriage issue. For more, check out Dave Cullen at Conclusive Evidence who keeps all his posts on this issue on one page.

Melanie is the new guest blogger for Daily Kos and she's doing a great job. Kos, by the way, should be a father any day now.

Avedon Carol at Sideshow tackles Republicans and who should pay for the war in Iraq.

David Neiwert of Orcinus on Bush and First-Amendment zones.

Patrick Taylor of LegalWrites details the deportation of Maher Aher from begining to end.

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