
Bush and Ashcroft: Patriot Act Wishlist

St. Petersberg Times columnist Robyn Blumner writes today about new powers Ashcroft and Bush are seeking as supplements to the Patriot Act. The Adminstration says the new powers only close loopholes in the existing Patriot Act. Blumner explains why that isn't true. Here are the new powers:

Bush wants three additional powers from Congress. First, he wants to give the Justice Department the authority to confiscate records and compel testimony without review by a court or grand jury. ...Second, Bush wants to chip away at the right to bail. Current law allows a judge to deny bond for anyone shown to be dangerous or a flight risk. And, for anyone accused of international terrorism, there is a presumption against granting bond.

And third, Bush wants to expand the reach of the federal death penalty by making it applicable to "domestic terrorism."...Bush also wants the death penalty for those convicted of providing "material support for terrorism," a law that can be violated even when people think they are giving money to a charity and don't know the group is a designated terrorist organization.

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