
Blog Update

According to today's Blog Street Index, we are the tenth most influential blog out of the 144,733 blogs tracked by the site. Thanks to all our readers for putting us there. We are proud to be in the same vicinity as Instapundit (#1), Atrios (#3) and Daily Kos (#7).

We'll be hitting the road this afternoon, bound for New Orleans for a meeting of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers ( NACDL).

We'll be posting again beginning Thursday, on a lighter schedule until we return Saturday. Keep your eyes on Daily Kos, whose baby should be arriving any minute.

Thanks to those of you who have contributed via the PayPal and Amazon links on the left. Blogging and scouring the news multiple times throughout the day and evening does take a lot of our time. So, if you can afford it, your donations are very much appreciated.

< Preliminary Hearing in Scott Peterson Case Begins Today | Ashcroft Objects to Proposed Senate Budget Cuts >
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