
How Much is 27 Years Worth?

Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. issued ten pardons Friday, including one to Michael Austin, released from prison last year after being wrongfully imprisoned on a murder charge for 27 years. How do we compensate someone for that?

Ehrlich will have plenty of say about how much money, if any, Austin receives. "Let me give you a general answer, and the answer is yes," Ehrlich said yesterday about the matter. "Then, of course, your question is how much. What's a year worth? What's six months worth? What is 27 years worth?"

In the case of Gernonimo Pratt, also wrongly imprisoned for 27 years, the city of Los Angeles and the Justice Department split a $4 million payment to Pratt. Maryland has paid far less in the past:

In 1984 the board authorized a $250,000 payment to Leslie A. Vass, released after serving 10 years for a robbery that prosecutors said he didn't commit. Ten years later, Kirk N. Bloodsworth got $300,000 after serving nine years before his exoneration by DNA evidence. Earlier this year, Bernard Webster got $900,000 after serving 20 years for a rape he didn't commit. The same annual rate in Austin's case would yield about $1.2 million.

Ehrlich, a Republican, is a welcome breath of fresh air on the issue of pardons and parole.

Ehrlich, the first Republican governor to be elected in Maryland in 30 years, has vowed to review life sentences frequently. That is a departure from the practice of former governor Parris N. Glendening (D), whose administration rarely granted parole to lifers or commuted their sentences. Ehrlich has also pledged to review 20 requests for pardons a month, or about three times the amount reviewed by Glendening.

The governor "believes in fostering a justice system that is tough but fair," said spokesman Henry Fawell. He said Ehrlich believes that if someone receives a life prison sentence with parole eligibility, that person should be eventually granted a parole hearing.

One of the worst Governors on the issue of granting parole in murder cases was California's Governor Gray Davis.

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