
Still No Evidence in Scott Peterson Case

A police officer testified today in day five of the Scott Peterson preliminary hearing and acknowledged there was no sign of struggle inside the Peterson home. Nor was there any smell of bleach.

All in all, there is evidence of one hair that was in a pair of pliers on the Peterson boat that mitochondrial DNA testing says might be Laci's. So what? Hair is easily transferred and there are dozens if not more explanations for how a hair of Laci's could have gotten on the pliers or in the boat.

Amber Frey, Scott's girlfriend of one month (they met Nov. 20 and Laci disappeared Dec. 24) is scheduled to testify later in the week. We doubt she will add much to the case--other than details of conversations after the fact showing Scott was a cheating husband.

As low as the threshold for probable cause is, we don't see it so far.

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