
More Support There Were No WMDS

There was new information Sunday and Monday that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. It came from Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz who surrendered to the U.S. and has been interrogated by U.S. officials:

The Post said Aziz, who surrendered to U.S. authorities in April, also claims Iraq did not possess stocks of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons on the eve of the war. That assertion compliments similar statements from other detained Iraqi leaders and scientists.

The newspaper said several high-ranking detainees say the reason Saddam did not disabuse United States and other intelligence services of their belief he had weapons of mass destruction was to save face with his Arab neighbors.

The prisoners say Saddam believed Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and other countries paid him deference only because they feared he had weapons of mass destruction.

France denies coaching Saddam. More details on Aziz's statement are here.

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