
More on the 'Truth in Trials Act'

Attorney Clay S. Conrad has an excellent article in the new National Review titled "Justice Goes to Pot." Conrad also is the author of a leading book on jury nullification. He writes about Sen. Richard Durbin's soon to be introduced Truth in Trials Act, which we strongly support.

Durbin is currently seeking cosponsors for a bill that allows federal juries to be informed when defendants facing medical marijuana charges were in fact complying with state medical-marijuana laws. A similar measure is pending in the House (introduced by Sam Farr, D., Calif.). Federal prosecutors say if these bills pass and juries learn that marijuana involved in a case is for medical use, they will commit "jury nullification of the law" — acquitting plainly guilty criminals.

Senator Durbin's bill is in line with the history and purpose of the American criminal jury system, which has been likened to the "fourth branch of government" and the "final check and balance." His measure would allow jurors to know whether the verdict they are asked to return would be a just one. If not, jurors could refuse to convict — nullify the law — on their own initiative. Durbin's bill will merely allow the jury system — the conscience of the community — to dispense, as Judge Hoyt so well put, "acts of mercy ... where the facts dictate morally and ethically that mercy is appropriate."

This bill needs your support. Quoting from our earlier post (link above):

The Truth in Trials Act would create an affirmative defense that could be used against the outrageous federal prosecutions of patients and caregivers acting with the approval of state authorities and in accordance with state medical marijuana laws. The Department of Justice is holding medical marijuana patients in federal prison and actively trying to increase their numbers....

Please take two minutes to fax your senators a pre-written letter explaining why it is necessary to provide federal protections to patients and caregivers who use and provide medical marijuana in compliance with state laws. Visit here, enter your address, select a letter, and click a button to send it to your senators.

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