
The Media as Ashcroft Watchdog

In this interview in Columbia Journalism Review, Mark Silverman, editor and publisher of the Detroit News, tells why his paper filed suit against Ashcroft in 2002 to obtain access to the secret deportation hearings. Here's the background:

In January 2002, the Detroit News filed a lawsuit in federal court in Michigan to obtain access to the Rabih Haddad deportation proceedings. Haddad, a Lebanese citizen, was arrested in 2001 for violating his tourist visa. He was also suspected of funneling money to al Qaeda through an Islamic charity he had helped to found. As a prominent member of the Detroit-area Arab community, Haddad's story was of great interest to the Detroit News. But the Creppy Memorandum issued four months previously barred the newspaper-and all newspapers-from attending Haddad's deportation hearing (see "The I.N.S. Test") . Mark Silverman, editor and publisher of the Detroit News, talks about why his paper filed suit to be there.

Thanks to Agonist for the link.

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