
Jessica Lynch: More Doubts About Her Treatment

Reuters interviews the doctors who treated Jessica Lynch in Iraq. They are unanimous in their assertions that she was not raped. Lynch does not recall being raped. Yet author Rick Bragg's publisher is standing by the charge in his book that she was sodomized.

Dr Jamal Kadhim Shwail was the first doctor to examine Lynch when she was brought to Nassiriya's military hospital by Iraqi special police. Shwail said Lynch was lying in the crowded reception of the hospital, unconscious and in shock from blood loss.

She was wearing her uniform including a flak jacket, military trousers and boots, none of her clothes had been unbuttoned or removed, as the book claims, he said. .... He said her flak jacket was removed and her clothes were cut away to expose the injured sites. The anesthetist cut away an area around her groin to insert a catheter to drain urine....Her clothes were not torn, her boots had not been removed. There is no way (she could have been raped)."

So could it have happened at the next hospital?

Shortly afterwards Lynch was transferred to Saddam Hospital in Nassiriya, now renamed Nassiriya General. There, Dr Mahdi Khafazji operated on her fractured right femur when her condition had stabilized. He said he cleaned her body before surgery and found no signs of a sexual assault.

"I examined her very carefully," he said at his private clinic in the center of Nassiriya. "I cleaned her body including her genitalia. She had no sign of raping or sodomizing."

What makes us most skeptical about the rape claim is the extent of her other injuries. Like the doctor below, we doubt she would have survived a rape:

[Dr Mahdi Khafazji ] said Lynch's injuries were so severe she would have died had she been sexually assaulted after she was wounded. "If she had been raped there is no way she could have survived it. She was fighting for her life, her body was broken.

Bragg's publisher responded:

"A doctor who treated Lynch (at a U.S. military base) and who was privy to all her medical records has reported that some of her injuries are consistent with an assault. What more verification do you need?" a spokesman said.

Well, for starters, how about the name and position of the lone doctor making the claim and verification of the supporting material in the hospital records?

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