
Neil Bush Ex Seeks Paternity Test

In the dirty laundry department....The divorce of Bush brother Neil gets uglier and uglier as his wife Sharon files a motion seeking to compel him to undergo a paternity test, the results of which she hopes will absolve her of liability in a defamation lawsuit.

The request, filed Monday, asks that the judge order Neil Bush and Robert Andrews to submit blood tests to determine the paternity of Andrews' 2-year-old son.

Sharon Bush contends she needs the tests to defend herself against a $850,000 defamation lawsuit filed against her by Andrews. Andrews' suit contends Bush defamed him when she suggested in conversations with reporters, friends and restaurant employees that his son may have been fathered by Neil Bush.

Andrews and his wife, Maria Andrews, divorced in October 2002 after 14 years of marriage. The Bushes divorced in April after a 23-year marriage. Neil Bush and Maria Andrews met several years ago when she was working as a volunteer for former first lady Barbara Bush.

Sharon once claimed that ex-Neil fathered the Andrews child--a statement that resulted in the defamation lawsuit.

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