
Homeless Perform Opera in Oxford

This is our feel-good story of the day: Volunteers in Oxford, England trained the homeless to perform an opera :

The charity behind the project, Streetwise Opera, helped train volunteers to sing, perform and develop theatre skills. Professional opera singers joined them for last night's production at New College, which was sold out. The show's director, Matthew Peacock, said he hoped the music boosted the confidence of the homeless people involved and would help them in life.

This is the third such performance. Provided funding continues, more are planned:

The Oxford show involved at least 25 local organisations in addition to the New College choir. It followed past successes including two performances of Benjamin Britten's Canticles at Westminster Abbey in 2002. Mr Peacock hopes many others will follow, as long as funding continues. He hopes to stage at least one big show a year and to continue the 250 workshops a year currently conducted in homeless hostels in London.

[link via We are Not Sheep]

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