
Around the Bloggerhood

We missed blogging Monday due to court and meetings, and we just finished catching up. Here's some of what we missed:

Atrios explains how he got his name.

Anger Management announced he was quitting blogging today...then resumed five hours later. (Via Walter in Denver.) The kid (he's 21) is a good writer, we hope he sticks with it.

Blogshares, the fictional stock trading game that popularized so many blogs, is no more. We're sorry about that too, it was practically an institution.

Patrick Nielsen Hayden of Electrolite weighs in on the President's Thanksgiving Day trip to Iraq.

Oliver Willis notes major bookstore chains are removing the comfy chairs of recent years and he's not a happy camper about it.

Ezra and Jesse at Pandagon are covering the new liberal radio network and thinking, hey, maybe they could get a gig. Actually, we think the idea of some young voices on the network is a good one. Let's hope it's not all 50 year old white men. Nick at Tapped has more, and says, "Progress Media is at least hiring entertainers with a political bent, rather than politicians and pundits with a yen to be the left's Rush. But I wonder if that will be enough." And Skippy weighs in with his usual wit.

Jeanne D'Arc at Body and Soul covers World Aids Day and Thanksgiving at her house--we almost felt like we were there.

And over here at TalkLeft, you may notice we have an ad running on the right side of the page. We like the way it looks, and are pleased we could make the text match the text of the rest of the site. We hope you will click on our ads often so the advertisers think it's worthwhile to keep advertising with us. It's not huge bucks, but it will help us buy a few more Christmas presents for those on our list.

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