
Homeland Security Chief: Legalize Undocumented Immigrants

Speaking in Miami yesterday, Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge advocated legalizing undocumented immigrants:

"The bottom line is, as a country we have to come to grips with the presence of 8 to 12 million illegals, afford them some kind of legal status some way, but also as a country decide what our immigration policy is and then enforce it," Ridge said at a town hall meeting at Miami-Dade Community College.

Ridge noted that the undocumented immigrants pay taxes and social security and contribute to their communities:

"I'm not saying make them citizens, because they violated the law to get here," he said. "So you don't reward that type of conduct by turning over a citizenship certificate. You determine how you can legalize their presence, then, as a country, you make a decision that from this day forward, from this day forward, this is the process of entry, and if you violate that process of entry we have the resources to cope with it."

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