
Nominations Open for 2003 Koufax Left Blogging Awards

It's nominations time for the 2003 Koufax Blogging Awards. Last year the awards were run by Dwight Meredith of PLA (Politics, Law and Autism.) Dwight has since joined Mary Beth Williams at Wampum Blog and they will be running the awards together. You can nominate your own blog or someone else's. (TalkLeft is very proud to have won the 2002 award for "best single issue" blog.)

The purpose of the awards is to recognize and applaud the best of the left. Nominations are open now through the end of December and can be submitted by email or by commenting at their site, here. There will be 11 categories this year. The categories (links are to last year’s awards) are:

Best Blog

Atrios won last year. The category seeks to recognize the best overall work across the entire year. Which lefty blog do you consider indispensable?

Best Writing

Jeanne D’Arc of Body and Soul won last year. The category seeks to recognize the best writing across the entire year.

Best Post

Jim Capozzola of The Rittenhouse Review won last year with his post entitled Al Gore and the Alpha Girls. The category is intended to identify the one post of the year that stands above all others for originality, insight, and writing. This is one of the categories in which it is most appropriate to nominate your own material.

Best Series

The Best Series Sandy was won last year by Atrios for his exhaustive coverage of the Trent Lott controversy. The category includes both regular features such as Mary Beth’s Flashback Fridays (alas, not eligible) as well as the best coverage of a single issue (such as Atrios’ posts about Trent Lott last year). This is another category where we want you to send us your best stuff.

Best Single Issue Blog

Jeralyn Merritt of Talk Left was awarded the 2002 Koufax for Best Single Issue Blog for her coverage of all things legal. Blogs that focus exclusively or almost exclusively on politics, economics, law or other specific areas are likely candidates for this award.

Best Group Blog This is a new category and hopefully self explanatory. A group is defined as two or more regular contributors.

Most Humorous Blog

Fanatical Apathy by Adam Felber won the 2002 award for most Humorous Blog. Who has consistently made you laugh this year?

Most Humorous Post

The 2002 Award for Most Humorous Post went to Jesse Taylor of Pandagon for his Peggy Noonan parody. What post this year made you laugh out loud? If you have read or written anything particularly humorous this year, please send us a link.

Best Design

Ampersand of Alas, A Blog won in 2002. The category is self explanatory. If any of you creative types care to design something that could be posted on the site of finalists and winners of a Koufax Award, please send it to us. We would love to actually have something to award.

Best New Blog

Roger Ailes won last year in a tight race. This year figures to be even tighter due to the explosion of new, good lefty blogs. A new blog is one that first posted on or after July 1, 2003.

Best Special Effects

The award of best Special Effects is intended to go to the blog that makes the best use of anything other than words. Flash movies, charts, cartoons, pictures, diagrams all are appropriate. Blah 3 won last year for its use of flash movies.

Those are the eleven categories. If there is another one that you think should be added (or retained, a couple have been dropped from last year) please let Mary Beth and Dwight know and perhaps they will add one.

Go ahead and send in your nominations. We'd like to be nominated for best single issue blog again, so if you think we deserve it, please let Mary Beth and Dwight know by adding to the comments or sending them an email. Email Mary Beth or Email Dwight.

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