
Rumsfeld: Saddam Will Have POW Protections

Some fairness from Rumsfeld: He announced Sunday evening that Saddam Hussein will have prisoner of war protections.

Saddam Hussein will have protections accorded to prisoners of war as U.S. officials try to press him for information on the insurgency against coalition forces, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld says.

...."One need not worry that he'll be treated in a humane and professional way," governed by the Geneva Convention that spells out the treatment that prisoners must receive, the secretary said on CBS' "60 Minutes."

The convention prohibits violence, cruelty and torture of prisoners, while also barring humiliating and degrading treatment.

Rumsfeld said that could change if it were determined that Saddam was involved in attacks on coalition forces. Saddam will face interrogation:

The first task of interrogators is to learn whether Saddam has knowledge of any impending guerrilla attacks planned against U.S. troops or Iraqis, intelligence officials said. Officials also want to know where Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri and other remaining senior regime officials and insurgent leaders are hiding.

Rumsfeld confirmed what the news has reported--Saddam so far is not cooperating or answering questions. He has been resigned and compliant, but not forthcoming with information.

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