
Al Qaeda's Drug Connection

Call us cynical, but we're putting two and two together and coming up with a plan by the Administration to spin support for Sen. Hatch's much criticized "Victory Act" (pdf) which seeks to reclassify many drug offenses as crimes of "narco-terrorism" carrying even more draconian penalties than those currently in place.

Yesterday there was the news that a boatload of hash was seized in the Persian Gulf. Of ten or twelve people on board, depending on which news report you read, three or four were reported to have unspecified "links" or unspecified "clear ties" to Al Qaeda. The Administration spin is that the load belongs to Al Qaeda, is worth ten million, and the money would have been used to finance Al Qaeda's activities.

Today, a boat with meth and heroin aboard was intercepted. Watch, this will be linked to Al Qaeda as well--and then the Administration will tell us that drug trafficking is funding Al Qaeda, and if we're patriotic, we'll support the Victory Act, which likely will be introduced in January.

Once again, the Administration is becoming a master at using the media to condition us to their next power grab. But the last thing we need are more anti-terror laws that allow the Justice Department to bypass the Fourth Amendment and its required judicial oversight.

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