
Is Saddam's POW Status in Jeopardy?

When Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced after the capture of Saddam Hussein that he would be treated as a prisoner of war and provided the protections of the Geneva Convention, he issued a caveat: Provided, that Saddam was not involved in the post-war attacks on coalition forces. The Washington Times now reports exactly that:

Saddam Hussein was personally directing the postwar insurgency inside Iraq that has claimed the lives of more than 200 coalition troops, playing a far more active role than previously thought, American intelligence officers have concluded since his capture.

Under the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war only have to give their name, rank and serial number when being interrogated. They don't have to answer questions.

So, how long until Rumsfeld announces a change in Saddam's status? Bets, anyone? And what will result from the change? Will he be transferred into the custody of a country that allows torture during interrogation? Will he be shipped to Guantanamo or some other secret place? Or will he be turned over to the Iraqis to be put in an Iraqi prison? We'd bet on door #3.

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