
Report: California Prisons Still Out of Control

California's prison guard union has been out of control for a long time. And it's not getting any better. Read this chilling article in today's LA Times (free subscription required)

Five years ago, after prison scandals gripped California with tales of guards setting up inmates in human cockfights and then shooting them dead, the state Department of Corrections vowed to change its ways.

Whistle-blowers would be protected, not punished. Internal investigators would be encouraged to pursue abusive guards. And the correctional officers union no longer would have a hand in dictating policy.

That new day never came, interviews and documents show.....the Corrections Department remains troubled by allegations that rogue guards still go unpunished, union bosses continue to exert strong influence, and top administrators still thwart whistle-blowers.

Here's some background on the California prison guard problem....and how Gray Davis became beholden to it. As we said a few months ago,

Some suggest turning to private prisons. The prison guards union has objected to that. We have a better idea. Reduce the number of inmates. Release the drug and non-violent offenders. Home detention and electronic monitoring is another option.

We're glad Gov. Arnold is considering this solution.

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