
Blogger Misappropriation

A blogger named Michael Douglas, MD has a blog called Dr. Pundit where he verbatim reprints the work of other bloggers (like us) without linking to the original blogger's work. He sometimes mentions where he gets it, but with no link, what good is that? Other times, he's wrong about where he found the work. In all cases, he reprints the original work under his own logo. We're angry about it and have been telling him so, but no response.

Go send him emails and tell him what he's doing isn't right. His email address is
**** (Ed. deleted, see update below)

Update: We heard back from Dr. Pundit. He has apologized and will refrain in the future from reprinting our material without linking to us. It was an oversight by some of his staff who are new to the world of blogging. His apology is graciously accepted.

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