
The Weekend Blog

Hamster's back. Now we're just waiting for Jeanne at Body and Soul.

Jim Capozzola of Rittenhouse Review adds some new bloggers to his blogroll. He also wants you to torture the American Family Association in its marriage poll.

Skippy is taking the "jobs will be plentiful in 2004" line with at least one pound of salt.

Demagogue on Joe Lieberman, with examples:

Time and time again, Lieberman has shown himself willing to compromise on the most fundamental social and economic issues that most progressives care about.

Warblogging has a story about his debit card that didn't work, his trip to the bank, civil liberties and the Patriot Act [link via Pacific Views, who also has a recap of the latest international news stories.]

Thanks to TChris who has agreed to post here on TalkLeft tomorrow. It's always nice to hear another voice.

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