
Necessary Components of Immigration Reform

We're taking a wait and see attitude towards President Bush's immigration reform plan. Here are the necessary components according to the AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association):

  • Comprehensively reforms our immigration laws: Since many of the problems with the U.S.'s current immigration system are interrelated, reform must be comprehensive to successfully address our nation's needs. ...Our current system is characterized by families being separated for long periods of time and U.S. employers unable to bring in needed workers. People are forced to live an underground existence, hiding from the government for fear of being separated from their families and jobs. ....Our immigration system needs to be reformed so that legality is the norm, and immigration is legal, safe, orderly, and reflective of the needs of American families, businesses, and national security.
  • Allows people already living and working in the United States to legalize their status: People who work hard, pay taxes, and contribute to the U.S. should be allowed to obtain permanent residence. This reform would stabilize the workforce of U.S. employers, encourage people to come out of the shadows to be scrutinized by our government, and allow immigrants to work and travel legally and be treated equally. Many have been here for years, are paying taxes, raising families, contributing to their communities and are essential to the industries within which they work. In order to unite families and keep them together, appropriate waivers must be available for grounds of inadmissibility and deportability.

  • Creates a new worker program: Current immigration laws do not meet the needs of our economy given projections of worker shortages as our country's demographics shift. A new temporary program would give workers the opportunity to work where they are needed and employers experiencing these shortages the workforce they need to remain competitive. Such a program would provide visas, family unity, full labor rights, labor mobility and a path to permanent residence and citizenship over time.
  • Helps families to reunify: Our immigration system is characterized by long backlogs in family-based immigration. To ensure an orderly future process, our system must reduce bureaucratic obstacles and undue restrictions to permanent legal immigration.

AILA urges the support of two pending bills that have bipartisan support and would implement needed reforms:

The Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits and Security (AgJobs) Act (S. 1645/H.R. 3142) and the DREAM /Student Adjustment Act (S. 1545/H.R.1684).

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