
Judge Rejects, then Okays Lea Fastow Plea Bargain in Enron Case

Bump and update:Judge now accepts the plea bargain, with some modification. Lea's lawyer says they are deciding whether to accept it.

original post 1/7 6:25 pm

Bad news for Enron spouse Lea Fastow today. A judge rejected her plea deal.

The judge reportedly rejected it because it called for a five month sentence and did not give him the opportunity to give her a longer sentence if he thought one was warranted.

Her trial is set for Feb. 10. We suspect a revised plea deal will be submitted. The count to which she has agreed to plead guilty calls for a sentence of up to 16 months.

Lea's husband, Andrew Fastow, Enron's former financial chief, is negotiating before a different judge for a ten year sentence.

The Fastows' goal, as we reported here, was to have Mrs. Fastow out before Mr. Fastow went in, so one of them would be with the children.

Here's a look at the Enron cases scheduled for trial in 2004.

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