
Professor Sics Cops on Student's Computer

The ACLU has filed a lawsuit against a prominent professor on behalf of a student at the University of Northern Colorado. The suit alleges that the prof sent the cops to seize his computer and shut down his online newsletter because of the student's dissenting political views.

A Weld County man is suing Greeley police for seizing the computer on which he publishes an online newsletter called The Howling Pig, which takes satirical barbs at a vocal university professor.

Thomas Mink, of Ault, a 24-year-old English major at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, said police have warned that he likely will be charged with criminal libel because The Howling Pig makes fun of Junius "Jay" Peake, a Monfort Distinguished Professor at UNC and a specialist in financial markets.

Rocky Mountain Progressive Network is following the case and says it's all the more worrisome because of the conservatives' hunt for liberal Colorado professors and their clandestine effort to enact an Academic Bill of Rights for Conservatives and impose a quota to make for more conservative professors in the states' colleges and universities.

The Rocky Mountain Progressive Network, a non-profit, provides a " 'fair and balanced' response to the radical right-wing interests that dominate our region's politics and media." We have been in communication with them for several months and like them a lot. They have just taken an ad on TalkLeft--so, please, visit them often so they see a lot of response to the ad. In addition to to the satisfaction you will receive from reading their assaults on conservatives and exposure of inequities, a lot of hits on their website from here may cause them to extend the time they advertise on TalkLeft, which is money for us. A win-win all around.

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