
Reaction to Pickering Appointment

Law Prof. Glenn Reynolds (aka Instapundit) on the recess appointment of Charles Pickering to the 5th Circuit:

...It's unfortunate that things have come to this pass. Recess appointments to the bench are nothing new, but this one is clearly another step in the ongoing breakdown of civility in government. .... I suspect, though, that we're in the midst of a political realignment, and that those "norms of civility" hold mostly during periods of relative stability.... Larry Solum has more here, and David Bernstein opines that this was a bad choice: "Pickering was among the worst of the Bush judicial nominees."

The New York Times criticizes the appointment here.

Calpundit and Atrios note the irony of the appointment occurring on Martin Luther King's birthday weekend. Our reaction is here, and very simple: Boot Bush.

Update: The Horse has some great Pickering stuff up, including this.

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