
Kerry and Edwards On Top in Latest Iowa Poll

The Iowa race is not only up for grabs, it looks like an upset may be in the works. Did Dean peak too soon?

John Kerry and John Edwards were bunched in the lead with Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt still within striking distance, according to a new copyright Iowa Poll published in The Des Moines Register just one day before Iowa's leadoff precinct caucuses.

Twenty-six percent of the 606 Iowans polled Tuesday through Friday supported Kerry as their first choice for the Democratic presidential nomination. Edwards, who was in single digits in an Iowa Poll taken two months ago, was the first choice among 23% of the respondents, for his highest finish in any media poll so far.

Twenty percent of the respondents named Dean as their first choice, while 18% picked Gephardt.

Kevin at Lean Left predicts Kerry will win. Several Daily Kos contributors are providing continual updates and analysis of the polling numbers. Bush Wars tells us what the Dems should have learned from Iowa.

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