
Goings and Goings On

Mark Gisleson has penned his last column for Bush Wars--we're really sorry to see him move on. If you haven't been reading him regularly, go over now before his posts are all gone.

Drug War Rant reports that with just a few days until marijuana is downgraded from class B to class C in England, the attempts to scare people are getting silly.

Venezuela is moving to decriminalize marijuana.

Atrios finds some apparent plagerism in Bush's SOTU.

Matt Yglesias on SOTU:

What's the deal with this anti-drug stuff? I honestly don't have a problem with the idea that Dubya snorted a little coke in his youth, some of the finest people I know did the same, but isn't it a bit hypocritical for him to rag on like that about the evils of drugs? And also this business about abstinence. I can't believe I saw Democrats applauding that garbage. I'm going to go way out on a limb here and say that, personally speaking, I think sex is fun, and I'm guessing most members of congress (both parties!) feel the same way about it. Within or without the bonds of marriage.

Liberal Oasis on The Yawn of the Union.

Cursor has a terrific wrap-up of coverage on SOTU.

MadKane has her first interactive SOTU crossword puzzle.

Katherine of Obsidian Wings has put together a 16 part series on Maher Arar.

Skippy finds ShoptodropBush--commissions from every purchase go to MoveOn.

There's so much more great stuff going on around the bloggerhood this week. The blogrolls on the right side of TalkLeft are a great source of information and inspiration and we recommend them highly.

As for us, we'll be on Kobe duty today, you can catch us on CNN with Paula Zahn (8 pm ET) Thursday night.

Update: The New York Times has this article on googlebombing and "miserable failure", mentioning both The Horse and TalkLeft.

< Maher Arar To File Suit Against Ashcroft | Matrix: Federally Funded Database Is In Seven States >
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