
Neil Bush Ordered to Take DNA Paternity Test

Did Neil Bush father a child with his paramour (now his fiance) while he was married to his wife Sharon? A judge has ordered Bush to submit to a DNA test.

Sharon Bush requested the tests to defend herself against a defamation lawsuit stemming from the tangled relationship between the Bushes and another Houston couple, Robert and Maria Andrews.

During the Bushes' contentious divorce, which became final in April, Sharon Bush testified she heard rumors that her husband had an affair with Maria Andrews and is the father of her 3-year-old son, Thomas Alexander Andrews.

The Andrewses ended their 14-year marriage in 2002. Robert Andrews sued Sharon Bush for defamation in September, saying he is the boy's father. Andrews demanded at least $850,000 in damages -- the amount Sharon Bush paid to buy the Memorial-area home in which she had lived with Neil Bush.

Our prior coverage is here.

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