
Clark Wins Oklahoma

CNN reports that with 100% of the votes counted, Wesley Clark leads Edwards by less than 1200 votes. They haven't called him the winner yet though. Looks to us like both Clark and Edwards are still in the race. We think it will come down to Kerry and Edwards. Is Dean on his last gasp? Here's his strategy according to one reporter.

Here's why we're going to keep going and going and going and going and going just like the Energizer Bunny," Dean told supporters in Washington state, which votes Saturday. "We're going to pick up some delegates tonight and this is all about who gets the most delegates in Boston in July and it's going to be us."

Dean's White House bid hangs on a last-chance strategy: keep plugging along despite more impending losses while other underdog candidates spend themselves out of the race. Then engage front-runner John Kerry directly.

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