
Report: Priest Killed in Jail Should Not Have Been Moved to Dangerous Cell

The Commission appointed by Mass. Governor Mitt Romney to look into the murder of Priest John Geoghan in his prison cell issued its report today. The report finds:

...failures in the inmate classification system, disciplinary procedures and internal investigative practices by the Department of Correction all contributed to the circumstances that led to Geoghan's slaying Aug. 23.

...Defrocked pedophile priest John Geoghan never should have been moved to the dangerous-inmate unit where he was strangled and beaten to death by another prisoner last year....

...A series of "overzealous and unwarranted" discipline reports by a handful of guards led to the frail, 68-year-old Geoghan being classified as one of the state's most dangerous prisoners, and landed him in a cell unit with murderer Joseph Druce, investigators found.

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