
Dean Scream 'Overplayed' On CNN

by TChris

The general manager of CNN acknowledges that "his network overplayed the infamous clip of Dean's 'scream' after the Iowa caucuses." No kidding. But it wasn't just CNN.

Instead, the cable and broadcast news networks aired Dean's Iowa exclamation 633 times -- and that doesn't include local news or talk shows -- in the four days after it was made, according to the Hotline, a Washington-based newsletter.

The repetition may have contributed to Dean's declining support. But it's not just a problem for Dean. Witness the overplayed footage of Janet Jackson's breast (suitably fogged for our protection). David Bauder has an interesting take on the phenomenon of excessive coverage (or uncoverage, in Jackson's case) of news events that don't quite warrant all the fuss.

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