
Mike Hawash Gets Seven Years in Oregon Terror Case

Software engineer Maher (Mike) Hawash was sentenced to seven years today for his role in the Oregon 7 terror case.

There were no crowds or demonstrations at Monday's sentencing, but several of his staunchest supporters submitted letters to the court attesting to his good character. A letter from Maher's wife Lisa called the event "an aberration in his otherwise good and generous life. I can look into his eyes and see the sadness and remorse. It is truly genuine."

Hawash, a U.S. citizen for 15 years and apparently a model suburban dad, told the court that he is proud to be an American, recalling his pride when he voting in his first election. He attributed his crime to religious and emotional confusion in the highly charged times after the hijack attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, but added, "I do not blame anybody but myself."

Background on Mr. Hawash is here. All of our coverage of his case is accessible here.

Update: Jeff (formerly known as Emma) at Notes on the Atrocities has a local perspective and a last word on Mr. Hawash.

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