
Civil Liberties Forecast

Writing for Alternet, Kari Lydersen gives us the bad news: Judging by the first two weeks of the year, the forecast is not good for the Bush Administration's treatment of civil liberties.

If the first few weeks of 2004 are any indication, the Bush administration is stepping up its assault on civil liberties. A few legislative victories for civil liberties have done little to stop the over all trend toward more and more repressive legislation. Looking at what’s happened in just the first two weeks of 2004, here’s an overview of eight things to expect the rest of the year.

Guantanamo detainees, the Patriot Act, emphasis on the death penalty, more mandatory minimum sentences, pushing the drug war, treating immigrants as "exploited workers" and "guests." Scary, read the whole thing.

In a related piece, Lyderson explores whether civil liberties will be a non-issue in the 2004 election.

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