
Bush's Guard Service Summary

President Bush's military records are creating such a stir, we thought we'd try and find a concise summary of what happened and what the issue is. MSNBC has this version:

George W. Bush was sworn into the Texas Air National Guard on May 27, 1968 during the height of the Vietnam War. He went through all of the basic and advanced flight training and received a commission as a second lieutenant. He then went about his business as a private citizen attending monthly and any other special "camps" for training.

In 1972, then-citizen Bush got a job working on a U.S. Senate campaign in Alabama and he looked into attending Guard meetings with a unit in Montgomery, Ala. A Lt. Colonel Lott sent Bush a letter informing him when the meetings were scheduled for the Alabama unit in October and November.

The controversy: Was Bush was absent without leave or AWOL from the Alabama Air National Guard during those 2 months in 1972?

If Bush attended a meeting in Alabama, the paymaster there would have noted it and sent the information onto Texas on an "IBM 105" card where it would be recorded and sent onto payroll in Colorado. Bush has released payroll records showing he received credit for attending meetings during the 2 months in 1972. But, they don't show where he attended meetings. He was living in Alabama at the time, but there are no Alabama records to show he attended meetings there.

Here's the timeline, from the same article:

Jan. 19, 1968
Bush completes Air Force officer qualifications test in New Haven, Conn., while attending Yale University.

May 27, 1968
Walter B. Staudt, commander of the Texas National Guard, interviews Bush and recommends he be accepted for pilot training. Bush’s application for enlistment in the Guard is approved.

June 1968
Bush receives bachelor of arts degree from Yale.

July 12, 1968
A three-member Federal Recognition Examining Board reports Bush is qualified for promotion to 2nd Lieutenant in the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron.

July 14, 1968
Bush attends basic military training in San Antonio.

Aug. 25, 1968
Completes basic military training.

Nov. 26, 1968 - Dec. 2, 1969
Attends undergraduate pilot training with the 3559th Student Squadron, Moody Air Force Base, Ga. He is trained to fly standard Air Force aircraft, including the T-31, T-37, and T-39.

Dec. 29, 1969 - Jan. 20, 1970
Trainee, 111th Squadron, Ellington Air Force Base, near Houston.

Jan. 11, 1970
Assigned flying duty as a pilot of F-102 fighter interceptors, 111th Squadron at Ellington.

Aug. 24, 1970
Three-member board recommends 2nd Lt. Bush for promotion to first lieutenant. Bush later receives the promotion.

Participates in drills and alerts at Ellington. Begins work for Houston-based agricultural company.

May 1972
Bush asks for and receives permission to continue his duties in Alabama while he works as political director on the Senate campaign of Winton M. Blount, a friend of his father. Loses flight credentials after missing physical exam.

Sept. 6, 1972
Bush’s request for a three-month transfer to 187th TAC Recon Group, Montgomery, Ala. is approved so he can work as political director for a Senate campaign.

November 1972
Bush returns to his unit at Ellington in Texas.

May-July 1973
Participates in non-flying drills at Ellington. Works at inner-city poverty program earlier in the year.

Sept. 18, 1973
Bush receives permission to transfer to reserve status and is placed on inactive guard duty about six months before six-year commitment ends. Attends Harvard Business School in the fall.

Oct. 1, 1973
Receives honorable discharge.

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