
Librarians Help Children of Inmates

Kudos to Colorado librarian Susan Oakes for bringing this innovative program to inmates and their children:

Arapahoe County librarian Susan Oakes provides a small bright spot for some of the prisoners and their families. For 25 years, she's been finding ways to inspire people to read, and five years ago she started Begin With Books, in which Arapahoe County Jail inmates have a chance to share reading with their children. "I don't believe these children should suffer for any of the choices their parents have made," Oakes said.

Depending on inmates' level of privileges, they can select books to send home, record their voices reading the books, or call home during story time. Inmate Sean Bolsinger's son was born in August. The program enables him to be involved from behind bars.

A few weeks ago, Oakes learned that those programs had won her a prestigious award. She's one of 27 librarians across the country to receive the 2003 New York Times Librarian Award.

We hope librarians reading this post will bring the program to their communities.

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