
Background Check Outs Smith and Wesson Chairman

The latest CEO to be outed by a background check is James Minder of Smith & Wesson:

Springfield handgun maker Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. found... out the hard way last week after a report surfaced that James J. Minder Jr., its new 74-year-old chairman, spent 15 years in prison in the 1950s and 1960s for a series of armed robberies and an attempted prison break in Michigan. Minder resigned from the chairmanship but will retain a seat on the board.

Mr. Minder is one of the many who completely turned his life around. We see no value and a lot of heartache surrounding this outing. The Wall St. Journal reports (subscription only):

His story is all the more remarkable for what he has done since. After his final prison stint ended in 1969, he decided to turn his life around, he says. Before becoming chairman of Smith & Wesson, he spent more than two decades setting up programs and group homes for delinquent, abused, neglected and developmentally disabled children and young adults in Michigan. By the mid-1990s, a nonprofit he started with his wife was providing board, counseling or foster-home placement for more than 1,000 young people a day.

"If my work in the field changed the lives of those children, then I accomplished what I set out to do and this is the legacy I leave behind," he says.

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