
Happy Anniversary (Not)

by TChris

As we approach the one year anniversary of Bush's Folly (a/k/a The Invasion of Iraq), take time to read this overview of disclosures that have come to light in recent months concerning the runup to the invasion. Of particular interest:

  • evidence of the link between the invasion and the administration's thirst for oil;
  • the administration's efforts to boot Jose Bustani out of his position as head of the UN’s Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, for fear that he would succeed in his attempt to persuade Iraq to join the Chemical Weapons Convention, which would have thwarted the administration's justification for going to war;
  • the stealthy creation of the Office of Special Plans at the Pentagon (the "special plan" being the invasion of Iraq), where Bush's holy warriors overrode the judgment of career specialists in Middle East policy while publicly pretending to support a diplomatic solution; and
  • enlisting the British government's assistance in spying on UN officials in New York.

The article also discusses the administration's (largely successful) efforts to delay or control any investigation into its actions, and to avoid responsibility or accountability for its decisions.

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