
Tyco Juror Criticizes Prosecution

Peter McEntegart, one of the jurors in the Tyco case, is a reporter for Sports Illustrated Magazine. In the new issue of Time Magazine, he criticizes the prosecution for spending too much time focusing on Kozlowski and Swartz's excessive lifestyle:

Juror Peter McEntegart, a reporter for Time Inc.'s Sports Illustrated, said that while the prosecutors provided "vivid accounts and video of the now famous $2 million bash ... and of his over-the-top purchases of items like $6,000 shower curtains," the jury spent little time on the excesses of Kozlowski and former chief financial officer Mark H. Swartz.

"Much of what these two men did might have been unseemly, even unethical _ but illegal beyond a reasonable doubt? Not to us," McEntegart wrote. "Instead, several jury members expressed disgust that the prosecution has wasted our time on all this."

McEntegart also said that Juror no. 4 was coming around to a guilty vote and that the jury was close to a full verdict when the mistrial was declared:

McEntegart said that Ruth Jordan, the juror who received the letter after being publicly identified by The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, "seemed to be at war with herself. Whenever she reached the precipice of a guilty vote on any count, she recoiled as if she had touched a hot stove." But he said Jordan eventually told her fellow jurors she had had a change of heart, and by Thursday afternoon the panel "had reached a strong consensus for guilty verdicts on the final two counts, conspiracy and securities fraud." He said the jury was close to a verdict when the mistrial was declared.

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