
Darryl Hunt Asks For Pardon

by TChris

As TalkLeft discussed here and here, Darryl Hunt won his freedom after DNA tests and the true perpetrator's confession established that he didn't commit the 1985 rape and murder that sent him to prison. Hunt's lawyers recently presented North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley with a request for a "pardon of innocence." Granting the pardon would open the door to Hunt's ability to recover $360,000 in compensation for the 18 years of wrongful incarceration that he endured.

Hunt's lawyer, Reuben Young, thinks a pardon would be just.

"I don't know what the argument would be against pardoning him. He's innocent. And if he's innocent, the state stole 18 years of his life."

Gov. Easley has only granted one pardon of innocence, but in that case (as in Hunt's) DNA proved the defendant's innocence. If Gov. Easley uses that case to guide his decision in this one, Darryl Hunt may eventually get some of the help he'll need to rebuild his life.

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