
The President's Press Conference

What did you all think of President Bush's press conference tonight? Did he win any of you over? Here's an open thread to discuss it.

Update: David Sirota, writer for The Progress Report at the Center for American Progress, posts claims vs. facts of the press conference over at his personal blog.

Update: John Kerry posted this response over at his weblog:

“Tonight, the President had the opportunity to tell the American people what steps he was going to take to stabilize the situation in Iraq. Unfortunately, he offered no specific plan whatsoever. Rather, the President made it clear that he intends to stubbornly cling to the same policy that has led to a greater risk to American troops and a steadily higher cost to the American taxpayer.

“We need to set a new course in Iraq. We need to internationalize the effort and put an end to the American occupation. We need to open up the reconstruction of Iraq to other countries. We need a real transfer of political power to the UN. “The President may refuse to acknowledge a single mistake in the course of his presidency, but with deaths mounting and American sacrifice increasing, it’s time he offered a specific plan that secures real international involvement, gets the target off the backs of our troops, and starts to share the burden in Iraq.”

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