
Bin Laden: Truce for Europe, Not U.S.

Osama bin Laden has released a new tape, referring to the recent train bombings in Spain. He offers Europe a truce--but not the U.S. or Israel. The tape was played Thursday on Al Jazeera.

I offer a truce to them (Europe) with a commitment to stop operations against any state which vows to stop attacking Muslims or interfere in their affairs," the voice said on the tape aired by Dubai-based Al Arabiya and Qatar-based Al Jazeera channels.

"The announcement of the truce starts with the withdrawal of the last soldier from our land and the door is open for three months from the date of the announcement of this statement. "Whoever rejects this truce and wants war, we are its (war's) sons and whoever wants this truce, here we bring it." Security analysts said bin Laden was maneuvering to split the U.S.-led coalition and scare wavering members out of Iraq.

Bin Laden said the Spain bombings were retaliatory for Spain's actions in Afganistan and Iraq and against the Palestinians.

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